Authors : Philemon Antonio, Kornelius Luke, John Kopunye, Luke Danga, Christine Mara, Tetepano Seth
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August
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The impetus of this study is to explore and
analyse the perception of trainee teachers towards
quality teaching in block teaching practice experience.
The insights of trainee teachers sought in this research
is intended to improve the practicum programs and
practices tailored to the needs of trainee-teachers. The
study employs mixed method using both qualitative and
quantitative methods adopting Action Research
approach. The finding of the study established that
trainee teacher’s perception of quality teaching depicts
four dimensions which constitutes teacher
professionalism, teacher management skills, teacher
preparation and the dimension of teaching skills. The
study also found that mobile group supervision is
perceived by trainee teachers as an enabling factor
which significantly improves trainee-teacher’s block
teaching practice. However, inhibiting factors explored
in the supervision process largely impedes quality
teaching which calls for immediate attention by
responsible people to accommodate the expressed views
of trainee-teachers in the policy documents and
programs to improve block teaching experience.
Keywords : Practicum, Block Teaching, Quality Teaching, Enabling Factors, Inhibiting Factors, Group Supervision.