Premature Ovarian Failure about Three Cases and Review of the Literature

Authors : Nessiba Abdelkader Mohamed Zeine; Meimouna Mohamed Lemine Isshagh; K. Saoud, N.Mamouni; S. Errarhay; C. Bouchikhi; A. Banani

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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Introduction: Premature ovarian failure (PID) is clinically suspected in the presence of amenorrhea and confirmed biologically in a woman under 40 years of age by an FSH rate> 40 mIU / L twice. Its prevalence is estimated at 1 to 2% in women under 40. We report the cases of 03 patients, the first aged 25 years old, who presented with amenorrhea aged 02 years with a high FSH level on several occasions and a translocation of the somatic chromosomes 16 and 18 karyotype. And the second 30-year-old unmarried woman who presented with 14-month-old amenorrhea with repeatedly elevated FSH and a normal karyotype. And the third 34-year-old married mother of 02 children who presented with amenorrhea of 18 months with a level of FSH raised several times and a normal karyotype. Discussion: Physiological menopause secondary to depletion of follicular capital occurs on average at the age of 51 in Western countries. In 1 to 2% of women, blockage of follicular maturation or follicular depletion occurs before the age of 40, defining premature ovarian failure (POI). A basic assessment before an IOP includes: clinical examination; a karyotype; fragile X pre-mutation research; an autoimmune assessment with TSH, blood sugar, anti-TPO and anti-adrenal antibody assay, cortisol assay. In 90% of cases, no aetiology is found, and in many cases, the PID is isolated, it does not integrate into a syndrome and there are no associated signs. The management of patients with POI includes three essential areas: hormone replacement therapy, management of a possible desire to become pregnant and psychological care. A new technique of follicular activation makes it possible to consider the possibility of finally exploiting the reserve of dormant follicles to restore fertility in patients who must currently move towards egg donation Conclusion: Premature ovarian failure is a rare pathology. The therapeutic management of patients with IOP is essential to limit the harmful effects of estrogen deficiency. Less than 15% of the aetiologies of PID are elucidated.


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