Authors : Nur Hidayat; Fifi Andriani; F. Silvi Dwi Mentari; Riama Rita Manullang; Awaludin Awaludin; Nur Hidayat Budidaya
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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One of the potential commodities in the
plantation sector which has a wide enough market
potential, especially in world markets is pepper. Pepper
farmers generally cultivate pepper in a bumpy / hilly
area so that the plant is not flooded because the roots of
the pepper are very sensitive so they can rot easily and
die and are very susceptible to root rot and stem rot
disease. Malada is also called wild pepper is a plant that
has the same genus with pepper but has excess can grow
in the watery area and resistant to stem rot disease. To
increase the area of pepper to plant grafting of the
pepper with malada as rootstock. This study aims to
calculate the success of grafting pepper with maladas.
The results of this study are expected to provide
information on the potential of grafting pepper to
malada so that pepper can be planted in flooded areas
and increasing the area of land for pepper growers.
This research was conducted at the State
Agricultural Polytechnic of Samarinda, data collection in
the Kebun Percontohan laboratory for 6 months, from
August 2019 to January 2020. This study was divided
into two treatments, namely the first treatment planting
time consisted of 2 levels of treatment; t1: August -
October 2019 and t2: November 2019 - January 2020.
The second treatment is the way the dial is divided into 2
levels of treatment; p1: Malada cuttings are planted first
and then grafting p2: Pepper cuttings are directly
grafting with malada. The observed variable is growth
Keywords : Pepper, Malada, Grafting,, Inunted Land (Flooded Land)