Taaruf is a phenomenon which is currently
hyped in Indonesia. Marriage is the target of taaruf. This
qualitative research examines how impression
management is then displayed by taaruf users in an
effort to present themselves during the taaruf process.
This research describes those phenomena that occur
based on a study of cases which occurred in South
Tangerang City. According to this research, it could be
found that taaruf users did not have a tendency to make
too contrived impressions of themselves. They want to be
seen as they are according to the capacity that they have.
Even so, the efforts to get closer to potential partners are
still being made. Religion and morals are then the factors
which most influence success in taaruf, because these two
things are the most sought after.
Keywords : Taaruf, Impression Management, Selfpresentation, South Tangerang City, Religion.