Preserving the Existence of Radio through the Utilisation of Instagram

Authors : Putri Alida El Sa’ud, Adji Adityawarman, Wawas Bangun Tegar Sunaryo Putra

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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Humans are highly social beings. The recent appearance of various social networking sites, and their usage at an explosive rate, illustrates the strong and fundamental human desire for social belonging and interpersonal exchange. As the rate of conventional media consumption is gradually decreasing, traditional media companies are seeking for a chance of survival by using social media. This research analyses how radio as one of conventional media uses Instagram, as a social media platform which is a form of new media. By conducting in-depth interviews with four different informants and applying Miles and Huberman’s qualitative data analysis technique which involved data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification, the results of the research found that the seven characteristics of New Media Theory by Denis McQuail are applicable for the utilisation of Instagram as a social media platform of 101.4 Trax FM Jakarta.

Keywords : Instagram, Social Media, Radio, New Media.


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