Authors : TOLAJ, S.,Havolli,Y., BEQIRI, G
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March
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Stress is emerging as an increasing problem in
organizations and companies over the recent decades.
Despite the awareness on the risks associated with
occupational stress, the growing number of literature on
stress, so far no empirical research was done to study the
prevalence of stress and associated work stressors of
employees in Kosovo. Through quantitative research, this
study sought to provide scientific contribution by
examining the prevalence of stress and by identifying
factors that cause stress among public and private sector
employees. Findings revealed a relatively high prevalence
of occupational stress among employees, where
respondents with 0-20 years of work experience reported
being significantly more stressed than those with more
than 20 years of work experience. Moreover, results
showed that female employees experience significantly
higher levels of stress than their male counterparts.
Keywords : Occupational Stress, Stressors, Job Performance, Kosovo.