Low back pain is one of the very common
health issues faced by most people in their mid-adult
years. A worldwide prevalence of low back pain has
been reported to be between 30-80%. This study aimed
at evaluating the prevalence of low back pain and the
factors that may cause or contribute to low back pain in
Port Harcourt. A total of 401 subjects, which included
191 females and 210 males were included in the study
with age range 20-59 years. The data collected were
analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 23.0 and percentages, descriptive
statistics was used to establish cut-offs and social
demographic variables. Categorical variables were
analyzed using chi-square test and binary logistic
regression summary. The prevalence of low back pain
was found to be 48% and the mean body mass index of
subjects with low back pain was 25.67. Low back pain
was more prevalent among female traders (21.7%),
male drivers (20.6%) and overweight subjects (55.7%).
There was statistically significant difference between
health status (p˂0.01), posture duration (p=0.03) body
mass index (p˂0.01) of subjects and low back pain. No
statistical significance was predicted between low back
pain and job posture (p=0.1), age (p=0.13), exercise
engagement (p=0.06) and sex (p=0.74). The point
prevalence of low back pain among Port Harcourt
residents was 48%, which represents almost half of the
study population, indicating that low back pain is a
problem faced by the study population and had positive
relationship with body mass index, posture duration
and health status.
Keywords : Prevalence, Low Back Pain, Nigerians, Port Harcourt, Posture, Body Mass Index.