Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders and Effectiveness of Educational Package on Knowledge Regarding the Disorders among Adolescents in Selected Schools of Lekhnath, Nepal

Authors : Deepa Gurung; Bindu Thapa; Amrita Paudel

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL617

Substance use disorders refers to the abuse of alcohol, illicit drugs, or substances such as over-thecounter medicines, medicines from unsupervised ordinary retail purchase, or even through prescription. It causes significant health problems and functional impairments such as disability and failure to meet responsibilities at work, school, or home. Common substance use disorders are use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis (marijuana), stimulants, hallucinogens, sedatives, hypnotics, opioids, etc. Objective: To assess prevalence of substance use disorders and effectiveness of educational package on spreading knowledge about substance use disorders among adolescents in selected schools in Lekhnath, Nepal. Methodology: Pre experimental one group pretest and posttest design was used for the study. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was adopted for sampling. For the study, total of 155 adolescents studying in classes 9 and 10 were selected from schools in Lekhnath, Nepal. Self administered structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data obtained were entered in Microsoft Excel and analyzed using statistical tool SPSS 16.0.  Result: Among 155 adolescents, 97.40% had heard of substance use disorders. 62.24% of people received the information about substance use disorders via mass media. Family members of 16.8% of samples were engaged in some kind of substance use disorders. 1.90% of sample students drank alcohol, who all happened to be male of age 15-16 years age group. In pretest, more than half (69.70%) of the adolescents had inadequate knowledge about substance use disorders. On the other hand, in the posttest, more than one third of adolescents (37.4%) had adequate knowledge and less than twothird adolescents (58.1%) had moderate knowledge on substance use disorders. The paired ‘t’ test was found to be significant on knowledge level (t=23.76 at 1% level).Only caste/ethnicity of demographical variable was found to be associated with pretest knowledge regarding substance use disorders (F= 3.495 at 5% level, p=0.033). Conclusion: The study concluded that adolescents are in great risk for substance use disorders. After educating on substance use disorders, adolescents gained adequate knowledge regarding the disorder. Study supports that educational package was effective in improving the level of knowledge regarding substance use disorders among adolescents

Keywords : prevalence, knowledge, educational package on substance use disorders, adolescents


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