Prevention of Complications in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review

Authors : Gina María Padilla-Garcia; Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano; Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel; Mesa Cano Isabel Cristina

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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The oncologic patient faces a series of doubts and uncertainties characterized by the fear of the side effects that these procedures bring with them, being prevention one of the most effective strategies to be able to cope with this scenario, with direct repercussion in their emotional/psychological state. The main objective was to determine the measures to prevent complications in oncologic patients. A systemic literature review was carried out, using the following databases: PubMed, Scielo, Redalyc, Scopus, Springer y Science direct. Using the following keywords: "oncologic", "prevention" "complications". The results of the systematic review have made it evident that the management of prevention of complications is a fundamental component of the treatment of the cancer patient and should be based primarily on prevention rather than treatment. Effective prevention management in oncology patients allows for a better quality of life for the patient, avoids potentially serious complications and facilitates adherence to chemotherapy treatment. The probability of presenting complications depends primarily on the chemotherapy plan, and therefore the precise determination of the same is fundamental for the individual management of each patient. Most of these complications can be prevented since they develop due to errors in the education of oncology patients.

Keywords : Complications, Cancer, Prevention.


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