Authors : H.Rahim; I.Allouch; I.Boumendil; S.Nitassi; R.Bencheikh; A.Oujilal; M.A.Benbouzid; L.Essakalli
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June
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Tuberculosis of the posterior oropharyngeal
wall is a rare disease. Usually it is revealed by a sluggish
or chronic odynophagia, sometimes very painful. We
report a case of a primer oropharyngeal tuberculosis.
Clinical features were pharyngeal ulcerations with
yellow deposits. Diagnosis was confirmed by findings
epithelioid granuloma with giant cells in surgical
pathology examination of biopsy samples from posterior
oropharyngeal wall and from cervical adenectomy.
Specific antituberculous treatment led to a favourable
outcome. Oropharyngeal tuberculosis has to be evoked
in a case of odynophagia and dysphonia
Keywords : Tuberculosis, Adenitis, Oro-Pharynx, Histopathology