The success of leader regeneration through the
Officer Development Program (ODP) at Bank X is a
must. This research is to find out how much influence
education and training, competence, and career
development have on the performance of ODP training
participants at Bank X in Indonesia. ODP is a training
program for cadres of leaders. The research was carried
out in the period August 2020 to May 2021. The total
research population was 430 people with a total sample of
240 respondents; 233 respondents who gave answers.
Sampling used purposive sampling technique with the
assumption of an error rate of 5%. Data analysis used
multiple linear regression with SPSS version 25.0 for
Windows. The reliability test meets the requirements with
a range of Cronbach's Alpha values between 0.865 to
0.941; while the validity test meets the requirements with
a range of values between 0.432 to 0.880. The results of
the research show that education and training,
competence, and career development have a significant
positive influence on the performance of ODP
participants at Bank X. Competence has an effect of
134% better than education and training, and 391%
better than development career
Keywords : Education and Training, Competence, Career Development, Employee Performance