Priority Indicators to Determine Customer Satisfaction at the Micro Capital Service Unit (ULaMM) PT. PNM

Authors : M Dida Gursida Azhi

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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This study aims to analyze the performance of customer loyalty PT. PNM (Micro Capital Services Unit (ULaMM) Denpasar Branch). This study uses variables such as service quality, product quality, and customer loyalty. This study uses customer satisfaction as an intervention variable. The population used was 168 respondents, using a randomized survey method to provide a list of questions directly to the respondents. The data analysis technique in this study used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis run through the SmarPLS v3 program. The results show that product quality and customer satisfaction have a large positive effect on customer loyalty, whereas service quality has no effect on customer loyalty. Product quality and service quality have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Indirectly, customer satisfaction can mediate the relationship between product quality and customer loyalty, so customer satisfaction can mediate the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty PT. PNM (Micro Capital Services Unit (ULaMM) Denpasar Branch).

Keywords : Service Quality, Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.


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