Authors : Cinzia Ciódaro Torres, Shirly Ruz Polo, Isela Berrocal Llorente, Nilson Figueroa Atencia, Ana Temis Herrera Barragán, Elizabeth Ramirez Llerena
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December
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The objective of this work was to examine
the regulations of the evidence regimes applied within
the system of State Property Liability for failure to
provide the medical service in the legal systems of Spain
and Colombia; the unit of analysis that was established
was, Review the basis of the evidentiary burden on
medical responsibility as a state responsibility based on
the study of the legal systems of Spain and Colombia
and the main variables they were studied: To determine
the basics of the probative regime of medical
responsibility in Spanish and Colombian legal systems;
Establish the characteristic and distinctive elements in
each of the probative regimes in the Spanish and
Colombian legal systems and comparatively identify the
relationship of the foundation in the Spanish and
Colombian legal systems probative regime for
Keywords : Medical Responsibility, State Responsibility, Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility, Test Burden, Administration, Managed.