Productivity is an essential element in
achieving good production competitiveness. Companies
need to know where their productivity levels are.
Productivity measurement is instrumental at the
management level in doing strategic planning. Objective
Matrix (OMAX) is a partial productivity measurement
system used to monitor Productivity in each part of the
company with productivity criteria according to the
existence of that part (Objective). The measurement of
Productivity using the OMAX method also involves the
AHP method in determining the weight of each ratio.
Based on the calculation of Productivity in the period
January - August 2020 using the Objective Matrix
Method, the results obtained that the productivity values
below the average productivity values are the period in
March (-15%), April (-39%), May (-1%) and July (-
65%) 2020. Then from the results of calculations with
OMAX for the period January-August 2020, the
achievement scores of each ratio were analyzed using the
TLS method and calculated the index of achievement
scores against standard productivity scores. The
calculation results show that three ratios get a score
below the standard. Ratio 1, Ratio 2, and Ratio 5 get an
index of achievement score against the standard score of
88% (ratio 1 and 2) and 75% (ratio 5). The five why
analysis of the three ratios shows four root causes of the
low productivity score of ratio 1, ratio 2, and ratio 5.
After further research with the 5W+1H method, it was
found that recommendations for improvement that can
be done are to increase the supervisory function in
production, updating SOPs, conducting job evaluations
and training, as well as scheduling machine
Keywords : Objective Matrix, OMAX, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Traffic Light System, Why why Analysis, 5W + 1H