Programming Language for Data Intensive HPC Applications: Applications and its Relevance

Authors : Okwu, Hachikaru Ngozi; Ojekudo, Nathaniel Akpofure

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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HPC is the bedrock upon which scientific, industrial, and societal progress is built. Organizations require lightning-fast, highly reliable IT infrastructure to process, store, and analyse massive amounts of data. The ability to process data in real time is critical for many applications, including streaming a live sporting event, tracking a developing storm, testing new products, and analysing stock trends. This study focuses on the relevance, and applications of programming languages for data-intensive Higher Performance Computing (HPC) to helps complete task faster and the applications they are used in. The research will serve as a basis for future research and development in programming languages for data-intensive HPC applications.


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31 - October - 2021

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