In this paper students from three second cycle
schools in the Bolgatanga Municipality were randomly
assigned to treatment(n=40) and control(n=36) groups
with the objective to compare two lesson delivery modes
(Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI) and
traditional teacher-centred teaching) on the effect on
achievements in Mathematics with the use of SMART
technology to design and delivery instructions for senior
high schools and make a convincing case for the training
of teachers in the PMI and its adoption in the SHS
system in Ghana. The study relied on student’s
examination score from first term as baseline data with
the experimental data to compare the two teaching
methods. The Student t statistic and Cohen d were used
to compare means and measure treatment effect size
The PMI approach shows remarkable
improvement in students’ achievement in the subject and
can be described as promising since the one week of the
experiment was quite short and will require considerable
length of time to reach a definitive conclusion from its
findings. Students and teachers alike were enthusiastic
about the engaging and interactive nature in which
lessons are created and delivered with the SMART
technology and its assessment facilities. Science teachers
as well as other subject area teachers can benefit from
the planning and delivery of lessons from the use of the
SMART technology.
Keywords : Progressive Mathematics Initiative (PMI), Planning, Assessment, SMARTBOARD Technology, Achievement, Response Device, Clicker, Control Group (CG), Intervention Group (IG).