The primary purpose of this research was to
develop an intervention program that will eradicate
dropout rate and will help students at risk not to leave
school while studying. The study made used of
descriptive design. The readily available document from
the guidance office submitted by the teachers with
advisory the number of students who leave the school
with their reasons. The top 3 causes of dropouts are
financial family problems, lack of interest and
employment. An intervention program entitled
“ Moving Forward” for students at high risk of dropout
and out-of school youth to continue to study. It compose
of six (6) intervention programs for parents, teachers,
and students at risk to stay school and to reduce from
dropout. It was concluded that the family is the key
factor why learners success into their chosen career and
they are also the one who turn the life of their child into
to miserable situation. One factor also is the financial
status of the child and family. Instead of studying they
choose to work in benefit to bring food at home and to
help their parent in their household chores. The
proponent recommended an intervention programs on
potential school leavers should be strengthened to
motivate students to stay in school with the help of
their parent or guardian
Keywords : Intervention, Dropout, Reduce, Program