The impending coronavirus disease 2019
(Covid-19), and the risk of its worldwide pandemic
development requires urgent effective therapeutic
procedures, being it orphan of a specific vaccine
predictably for the next 24 months or more.
Attempts to treat the infection with some
chemotherapies borrowed by other antiviral registered
schedules or with other adopted off label drugs are on
the way, but our concern is to run against the time
adding if possible a further safe, effective sustainable
treatment available to the greatest number of people
anxiously claiming for prevention or disease control.
We focused on the challenge of an impressive
bacterial quick and safe antiviral activity, incidentally
observed on advanced metastatic cancer injected on a
compassionate spontaneous basis with dead bacteria
into the tumor masses (years 1975-79).
The present paper describes the details of our
experience namely with Corynebacterium parvum which
displayed the best effective and safe viral symptoms
remission in comparison with BCG and one
autochthonous wild strain of Streptococcus faecium.
We successfully followed up with this procedure
occasionally in the more recent years in some cases
voluntarily requiring vaccination after detailed
informed consent acceptance, to relieve their aggressive
cumbersome viral infections.
The take home message of this report is to take in
account not only the excellent new tailored Gene
targeting therapies, but, especially in emergency, to do
not absolutely forget the old ones!!!