Authors : Bolívar Andrés Núñez Avila; Joanna Priscila Jara Alvear; Marco Benigno Avila Calle
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February
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In view of the need to apply a new
collaborative method in road projects in Ecuador, it is
proposed the use of effective tools and adequate planning
in order to avoid the waste of time and resources that
today is affecting public and private entities, a consultant
and a constructor in each of the stages at the time of
executing a project. The use of the BIM (Building
Information Modeling) methodology contributes an added
value to a project in terms of schedule and cost, because it
is done in a collaborative environment with good planning
techniques, teamwork skills and good communication
skills. In the case of the present work, since there is no
experience of the implementation of a collaborative
planning system in highway projects in Ecuador, so we
focused on the experience of South American and Spanish
construction companies, using the qualitative research
narrative design as a method for collecting data, with
techniques such as focus groups and life stories to then be
analyzed through the ATLAS TI. These were done in
order to establish the methodological patterns being used
by companies to minimize or eliminate unconnected
processes and activities, as well as to increase the use of
construction standards and techniques to simplify
construction projects. The BIM method has been adopted
progressively in different countries in the last ten years
because of obligatory standards that regulate the
execution of engineering projects. As these norms are not
yet mandatory in Ecuador, our objective was to show the
advantages of the implementation of a collaborative
management tools along the life cycle of a project.
Keywords : BIM; Methodology; Roads; Construction; Maintenance