Education should embrace the conflicting nature of human beings (Eisenhardt) and work toward integrating it in into management studies, not just as models in theory but by actually creating gaps in models to accommodate human nature that is now known to drive organizational functioning and productivity, instead of focusing on centralism and comprehensiveness. It is important to give the emotional quotient its due in business processes. Cognitive diversity should be awarded its due in the employment sphere, to make organizations not just culturally rich in a world where technology has led to the growth of global corporations and businesses in bulk, but also intellectually sound by including a diverse workforce to capture every view the entity could envision from different angles and perspectives; thus enriching the decision making process by providing a bigger picture and diverse views on the information at hand – Factual or Situational. This change can only by brought about by targeting the facilitators of this mindset – Educational institutions. If students are encouraged to have a difference in opinion and apply concepts in a manner that they perceive to be beneficial, the workforce in turn will be a broader range of human resources. Developing and fostering a mind set where students recognize the importance of understanding disciplines that they are not interested in or beyond their specialization, will equip them to have a comparative advantage, and bring more to the table with respect to growth and development of an organization,inducing overall efficient functioning. Understanding a range of disciplines helps managers to make conscientious decisions while keeping the organization as a whole in mind and not just the field the manager works in. It is the low probability events that cause major (high) impact and great changes in the working of businesses, industries and the economy as a whole. Managers are not equipped with the tools to deal with rare events and these usually end up in causing a domino effect on events closely related, leading to a major catastrophic disaster. If managers were made aware of the need to protect the organization or have contingencies to fall back on in the wake of such phenomena, the hyper dynamic environment would be able to be more resilient in the face of such adversities.
Keywords : Hyper Dynamic Business Environment, Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Diversity, Multidisciplinary, Trans-Discipline, Cross-Discipline, Inter-Discipline, Low Probability, High Impact Events.