This research was conducted to analyze the
openness of public information in the management of
village funds in Gowa Regency. This research is a
research with a qualitative approach. The villages that
were the object of the research were Panaikang Village,
Maccinibaji Village, North Bontobiraeng Village and
Biringala Village. A total of seven principles of public
information disclosure were used as research
instruments. The informants in this study were the
officials of the village head and the village secretary. The
data collection technique is done by interview,
observation and documentation. The data analysis
technique was done by reducing the data, presenting the
data and drawing conclusions. The data validity test in
qualitative research includes test, credibility,
transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The
results showed that of the total 7 principles of public
information disclosure, only 6 had been implemented
properly and 1 principle still needed improvement and
improvement in implementing it, as for the constraining
factors, namely the quality of human resources that was
less effective as an internal factor and information
facilities and infrastructure that had not been
implemented properly. online system as an external
Keywords : Openness of Public Information, Management of Village Funds.