Qualitative Analysis of How Certain Plant Products Can Increase the Rate of Blood Coagulation in Humans

Authors : Aatish Sunder; Arpit Chopra; Connor Dam

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2XwwGch

Blood Coagulation is an essential process that occurs in the human body. Coagulation or clotting is the process in which blood forms lumps/clots to help prevent excess loss of blood. Coagulation consists of three main stages which are the injury phase, vascular spasm/platelet formation, and coagulation. This process is first started by an injury, which can vary from a paper cut to a knee scrape. The vascular spasm/platelet formation is the second stage, when the platelets come together around the broken collagen to cause a chemical reaction. During the final or coagulation phase, there are a cascade of reactions that change the structure of blood from a colloid into a gel that maintains blood hemostasis by preventing the loss of blood. The reactions are triggered by certain chemicals, some of which are found in natural products, which increase the rate of blood coagulation. The purpose of this analysis was to examine the ways through which the rate of blood coagulation could be increased by using the chemicals from plant products such as Vitamin K found in kale and spinach and Potassium found in bananas, experimented on blood samples under observed conditions.

Keywords : Blood Coagulation; Vitamin K and Potassium, Spinach, Kale and Bananas


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