Companies that carry out a very useful process to reduce or reduce the productivity of the product that occurs during the production process. Because of the decline in product prices, the company will suffer losses in terms of promotion as promotions will lower prices until prices are lower than products that are not down. The concept of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a form for every individual to work on a non-stop speed but be upgraded to better and better conditions in all areas. Identifying problems that need to be solved and finding reasons and determining corrective action, must always be done on facts. This is used to avoid the elements of subjectivity and results that are too fast and emotional. In addition, to facilitate the problem solved and as a benchmark for improvement, the company must characterize service standards. PT. The South Pacific Viscose (SPV) at low / high is divided from 3.48% to 1.53% or about 50% of the total product produced in November 2018.
Keywords : PDCA, Downgrade Product, Quality Control.