In today’s telecom sector business
environment, consumers are constantly demanding for
higher quality delivery of services and products.
Although service quality in mobile sector is improving,
evidence suggests that there are numerous quality
service gaps existing in the mobile telecom sector in
Zambia. At the same time, complaints from dissatisfied
customers regarding poor service quality delivery have
escalated lately. This study was conducted to measure
the level of Quality of Service (QoS) being experienced
by the end user of various services offered by service
providers as compared to quality of service parameters
set by the National Regulatory Authority (ZICTA). The
study focused on Call Setup Time (CST), Call Drop Rate
(CDR), Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR), Mean Opinion
Score (MOS)/Audio Voice Quality, Successful SMS Rate
(SSR) and SMS Delivery Time. The study has revealed
that all the service providers operating in the Zambian
mobile telecom sector have either failed to meet the
minimum target as set in the quality of service guidelines
or they are not consistent in the provision of their