Quality of Service Using Partial Least Square (PLS)

Authors : Panji Priya Sahita; Julianus Hutabarat; Nelly Budiharti

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3fXiKer

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL709

Service quality is very closely related to customer satisfaction, the higher the quality of service provided, the higher the level of customer satisfaction obtained. The problem in this research is the presence of complaints from various customers of elevator maintenance service users which results in not achieving customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the expectations needed by the customer to achieve customer satisfaction assisted by the PLS program.Questionnairedistributed the five objects of the research site then conducted the RSquare, Q-Square, F-Square and T-square tests to find out the relationship and influence between variables to customer satisfaction. In the R-Square test the relationship of variables in the model is 56.9% and 43.1% based on variables outside the actual performance model, the expected relationship between variables in the model is 72.7% and 27.3% comes from outside the model. Q-square test on the actual performance model of 32.7% and 52.85% on the expectation model. In the F-square test the actual performance of the biggest influence variable reliability of 0.277 on the expected influence of the reliability variable of 0.336 (large effect size) tangible 0.066 and responsiveness of 0.115 (medium effect size). In the TSquare test the actual performance variable reliability was 0,000 and the expected tangible variable was 0.037, reliability was 0,000, responsiveness was 0.003. After testing it can be seen that the company has not been able to provide the expected customer satisfaction.

Keywords : PLS, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Variables,


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