SERVQUAL has been widely studied across
various industries including health care sector by
researchers world wide. Most of these studies have used
general linear model to draw their findings. However
using GLM to study service quality in various hospitals
amounts to shear violation of the basic assumption of
independence of observations as the data are nested and
clustering in data could be easily observed which was
ignored by researchers. This study seeks to plug this
loophole by using Hierarchical modeling on R software.
Data from 250 patients was collected from Big and
Small hospitals from the commercial capital of central
India and analyzed. They showed the existence of 5
factors quiet in accordance with Parasuraman (1988)
findings. There after hierarchical modeling was applied
with these factors as dependent variables. Findings
showed that on Tangibility there is no significant
difference in perception across gender, age, annual
income and education qualification. Findings further
shows that Reliability, Assurance, Responsiveness and
Empathy varies across gender
Keywords : Servqual, Service, Quality, Health Care, Regression, Clustering , Hierarchical Modeling