Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the
most prevalent nutritional deficiencies in the world, and
more than half of the population in India is anaemic.
Iron deficiency anaemia cause impaired school
performance, decreased work productivity and other
adverse outcomes.[1] Adolescence, a period of rapid
growth and development, is considered the most
nutritionally vulnerable group.[2] The aim of the study
was to assess the effectiveness of beetroot juice on
serum iron, CBC and clinical features among
adolescent girls with iron deficiency anaemia in selected
areas of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. A quantitative
research approach was used. A Quasi-experimental pretest post-test design was adopted among 60 adolescent
girls with iron deficiency anemia by simple random
sampling. The result showed that there is highly
significant (p<0.001***) difference between control and
experimental posttest level of serum iron and CBC. It
shows that after the administration of beetroot juice,
there was a significant improvement in the serum iron
and CBC level of adolescent girls with at
(p<0.001***).The posttest mean for clinical features of
experimental group was 2.47 (SD 2.53) Whereas
posttest mean for clinical features of control group was
5.87 (SD 2.08). Thus the study concluded that beetroot
juice was effective in the adolescent girls with iron
deficiency anaemia.
Keywords : Effectiveness; Beetroot Juice; Serum Iron; CBC; Anemia; Adolescent girls.