The aim of this research is to explore the
issue on the railway integration in Indonesia and
particularly in Jakarta; how to enhance the
implementation of Light Rail Transit, Mass Rapid
Transit, and bus as well as the plan to use Tram. The
problems in the integration of railway transportation in
Jabodetabek have been identified, namely; the
transportation problems in Jakarta with the growth
rate of road not equal to the increasing number of
motor vehicles, railway transportation problems, the
unitegrated use of Commuter Line, Light Rail Transit,
Mass Rapid Transit, Airport Train and Transjakarta
bus. This research uses qualitative explorative method,
with the data obtained from observation, literature
study and in-depth interview with informants or
interviewees from the government as the regulator,
State-Owned Enterprises as operator and train industry
performed in 2018. The result of this research needs
railway transportation system as the integrator of
intermodal transport in Jabodetabek area. Transit
Oriented Develpoment (TOD) can improve the
accessibility by providing a relatively high level of
transportation connection. To anticipate terrible traffic
jam it needs to develop an integrated mass
transportation mode.
Keywords : Intermodal; Traffic Jam; Railway Integration; Transit Oriented Develpoment.