Rapid Automatic Naming (Ran) Across Academic Performance in Fourth Grade Students

Authors : Taniya Raj; Shivani Tiwari

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2UDm7Ce

Fluency in reading is defined as the product of accuracy and automaticity in underlying reading processes and systems. Rapid Automatic Naming skill (RAN) is the ability to name a sequence of written or pictured items quickly without conscious thought or deliberation typically by means of spontaneous association. RAN tests the ability of the child to connect visual and verbal information by giving the appropriate names to common objects, colors, letters, and digits. The Rapid Automatic Naming dyslexia is a recent subtype of dyslexia. These dyslexics have deficits in "naming speed”. The stimuli used for RAN can be either nonalphanumeric/alphanumeric or single category/alternate category naming. The alphanumeric stimuli include letters & digits, while non-alphanumeric stimuli include objects and colour. Single category RAN naming can be either naming objects, colour, digit or letters and Alternate category RAN naming include naming combinations of digit and letter or colour, digit and letter

Keywords : To compare the performance of RAN in academically above average, below average and average 4th grade students, using Single category & Alternative category tasks / Alphanumeric and Non-alphanumeric stimuli.


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