Real Time Productivity Analyser

Authors : Himanshu Goyal; Kanika Bagri; Eakansh Gupta; Vishal Kumar Singh; Nishi Sharma

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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The purpose of this Python project is to develop a real time productivity analyser system that will enhance the productivity in various industries by minimizing the unaffordable productivity losses as much as possible. The system will work by detecting whether a person's eyes are closed for a sufficient amount of time and whether he is yawning or not. This device will alert him when fatigue is detected. Fatigue poses a major risk of life-threatening injuries. We used OpenCV to gather images from a camera and feed them to our CNN binary Classifier that will determine whether the person's eyes are Open' or 'Closed’ along with the yawning score. The classifier we developed is using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). A convolutional neural network is a sort of deep neural network that is particularly effective for image categorisation.[8] This system has been designed in order to reduce accidents in most of the industries be it construction sites, roads, etc. as most of the accidents happen because of fatigue. Hence this a system will alert the person before it gets too late. The system is capable of calculating the accurate position of the eye. [5]


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