Reconnaissance of Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyherbal Formulation in Paracetamol and Ethanol Induced Hepatotoxicity Models of Albino Wistar Rats

Authors : Shaik Kareemulla, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sharma , Dr. Khaja Pasha.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 3 - March

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A. Objectives The present study was undertaken for investigating the hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Annona squamosa, Cassia fistula and Illicium verum in paracetamol and ethanol induced hepatotoxicity models in albino wistar rats. B. Method Paracetamol and ethanol were used to induce hepatotoxicity in rats. Silymarin was used as standard drug (100 mg/kg p. o.). Ethanolic extract of Annona squamosa, Cassia fistula and Illicium verum (200 mg/kg p. o. & 400 mg/kg p. o.) was administered along with one hour before administration of paracetamol and ethanol once daily for 21 days. C. Results Liver biomarkers such as ALT, AST, ALP, Serum Bilirubin & Total Protein were elevated in paracetamol and ethanol administration. The treatments of ethanolic extract of Annona squamosa, Cassia fistula and Illicium verum at 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg were significantly reduced liver biomarker enzymes. Histopathological reports reveal that administration of paracetamol and ethanol caused degeneration of fatty cysts, infiltration of lymphocytes, proliferation of kupffer cells and congestion of liver sinusoids. Upon treatment with polyherbal plant extract, the histopathological observations showed normal hepatic globular architecture, less lymphatic infiltration and normal kupffer cells proliferation. This observation suggests that polyherbal plant extract protect the liver from adverse conditions. Hence, polyherbal plant extract of Annona squamosa, Cassia fistula and Illicium verum possesses hepatoprotective activity against paracetamol and ethanol induced hepatotoxicity at a dose of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg. D. Conclusion The result of the present study indicated that polyherbal plant extract of Annona squamosa, Cassia fistula and Illicium verum showed protective effect on hepatotoxicity induced by paracetamol and ethanol.

Keywords : Hepatoprotective activity, Paracetamol, Ethanol, Liver Biomarkers, Fatty degeneration, Annona squamosa, Cassia fistula, Illicium verum, Histological parameters.


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