Remote islands in Southwest Maluku have
received the government's attention concerning collecting
information about coastal resources. This research was
conducted on the islands of Leti, Moa, Lakor,
Metimialam, and Metimiarang. The purpose of the study
was to obtain data and information on reef fish resources
and their utilization. The method used in collecting data
and information is a visual census in belt transect an area
of 250 m 2 and semi-structured interviews. Research
results on 2 1 location of sampling data show that at least
has 309 species of reef fish of 45 tribes. Diversity varies on
the value of 8 to 18. Community diversity is classified as
moderate level. Individual densities per square meter are
low in most transect sites. The utilization rate of reef fish
in most locations is subsistence, except in the Metimialam
and Metimiarang areas, where the current exploitation of
reef fish is relatively high.
Keywords : Coral Fish, Biodiversity, Coral Fish Utility, Southwest Maluku