Social media is an application area which gives
opportunity people to share their information, ideas,
perspectives and experiences. Need for approval, level of
loneliness and personal traits, which are thought to be
effective on the frequency of the usage of social media
were investigated. Research held with 150 participants
who live in Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, over the
age of 18 and are users of social media. First part of the
survey form consisted of the questions about
sociodemographic information of, which social media
sites are used by and how frequently they are used by
participants. This part was prepared by the researcher.
Second part of the survey form consisted Five Factor
Personality Inventory (FFPI) in order to evaluate the
personality traits. Third part included Dysfunctional
Attitude Scale’s (DAS) subscale which is Need for
Approval in order to measure the level of need for
approval. Finally, in the fourth part UCLA Loneliness
Scale (UCLA-LS) took place to investigate the level of
loneliness. In research, it was found that need for
approval and loneliness levels of people have not effects
on social media usage. Conscientiousness, which is one of
the personality traits, was founded as negatively
correlated with usage. People who had high scores on
conscientiousness used social media less. It was also
identified that age and marital status had effects on the
frequency of social media usage.
Keywords : Social Media, Need For Approval, Loneliness, Personality Traits.