Smoking habits not only could cause systemic effects but also pathological conditions of the oral cavity, which is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the second most common tooth and mouth disease in the community. One of the most common forms of periodontal disease is gingivitis. Data WHO in 2012 shows Indonesia ranked third with the largest number of smokers in the world. Smoking is an important risk factor for development of periodontal disease. Although smoking habits adversely affect health but the prevalence of smokers continues to increase. In Indonesia prevalence of adult smokers increased from 26.9% to 31.5%. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between of cigarette consumption per day with health condition of gingiva, on young adult. This research used descriptive analytic method with Cross sectional approach, sample size 96 respondents by simple random sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires and gingival health checks based on the gingival index. The result of this study shows the most number of respondent is medium smokers, 59 people (61,5%). Periodontal tissue condition on gingivitis respondents suffering from gingivitis with moderate criteria are 65 people (67,7%). Chi square test shows that there is relationship between of cigarette consumption with health of gingiva.
Keywords : Number of Consumption of Cigarettes, Gingiva Health, Young Adult.