Relationship Between Music Preference and Personality Type

Authors : Radha Gangil.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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Music is a part of every culture and everyone’s life. This study is conducted to find out “Relationship between music preference and personality type”. This study is a replicating finding of the other researchers, for instance according to one research extraversion was positively related with music type. Present research replicates the findings of a present study on the personality and everyday uses of music or people’s motives for listening to music. In this study total number of samples is 100 participants rated their preference for unfamiliar musical extracts i.e… Rock music, sad music, Hip-Hop or Rap music and Melodious or soft music in which 25 samples were collected for each category. The age group of sample size was 18-20 undergraduate student of AUMP. The questionnaire to examine the personality is NEO inventory test. In this research the results shows that, people who prefer to listen rock music are having positive correlation with Neurotism means somehow the people who listen more rock music have high neuroticism and openness to experience, people who prefer to listen soft music are having correlation with Extroversion, people who prefer to listen Hip-hop music are having correlation with conscientiousness.

Keywords : Personality type, NEO test, Music preference.


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