Relative Abundance of Rodent Species in Different Crop Stages of Paddy Field, Hlegu Township, Yangon Region

Authors : Yee Yee Lwin, Myint Myint Aye.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Relative abundance of rodent species in different crop stages of paddy field, Hlegu Township, Yangon Region was studied during the study period from June, 2016 to February, 2017. A total of six species of rodents, including three species of Bandicota bengalensis, B. indica and B. savilei, two species of Rattus exulans and R. rattus and only one species of Mus cervicolor were observed. The relative abundance of rodents in the field varied with different crop stages of rice. The most common species were B. bengalensis, B. savilei and R. rattus. Higher numbers of the recorded rodent species were found at harvesting stage of cultivated crops. The peak populations of rodents in the field depended on the amount of available food and shelter.

Keywords : Abundance; Rodent Species; Harvesting.


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