Relative Significance of Dietary Sources of Nitrate in Improving Age-Old Workforce Efficiency


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February

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Title: “Relative Significance of Dietary Sources of Nitrate in Improving Age-old Workforce Efficiency” Objectives: “To carry out clinical trials on patients with low SPo2 and PRbpm with as is clinical conditions to improve levels with Dietary Nitrate& see if same can be used for improving workforce efficiency in manufacturing industries” Methods: Random sample data collected for 65 cases involving different ages with low SPo2 and PRbpm as well as clinical conditions, with High blood Pressure, Diabetes etc. In the data collected for 65 cases, 35% were female patients and 66% were male patients. Among the sample cases selected 9% were people with diabetes, 1.5% had diabetes and high blood pressure, 7.5% had diabetes, high blood pressure, 1.5% had heart problems, 1.5% had heart problems and high blood pressure and 80% of cases would not have been affected by another disease. Systematic clinical trials were performed in all the selected cases by accurately measuring their initial SPo2 and PRbpm levels and then by Dietary Nitrate doses at intervals of 5min., 10 min. and 15 min. each. Results: With the doses of Dietary Nitrate, the mean of the SPo2 significantly improved from 97.42 to 98.55 and standard deviation decreased from 0.8820 to 0.7912 with no significant change in PRbpm. Conclusion: Based on the results from the data analysis, it has been found that 1) Dietary Nitrate can help improve low SPo2 status and has no adverse effect on PRbpm or other clinical conditions. 2) Age old industrial workforce loses their efficiency with clinical conditions. Changing their dietary habits to Dietary Nitrate reach food can improve the blood flow to the brain improving their mental and physical conditions, as they seem to act as antimicrobials in the digestive system

Keywords : Dietary Nitrate, SPo2, PRbpm, nitric oxide, beetroot juice, Workforce efficiency


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