Research on Voice Control System

Authors : Vikas Prasad; Vishal Kumar; Vishwadeep Rana; S. Ponmaniraj

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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Virtual assistant is growing very fast in 21st century. This technology gives us a new way to interact with machines. It attracted most of the people and can be used by the people who are not very much comfortable with mobiles, laptop. Mini alexa software helps to bring the user and computer closer to the near world. It will interact with humans through speaker as it will say "How can i help you". With the help of mini alexa software human being can give command to the computer with human voice and computer perform the action that human beinggiven to it .For example: If human being gave the command like "can you please open chrome for me" or" launch the notepad for me" or "please terminate the program" it will perform that action. In this way it will establish a easy communication way between user and computer. It is implemented using 'python' language and some of its modules like OS, pyttsx3 etc.

Keywords : Alexa, Application Program Interface, Modules, Intelligent Virtual Assistant, Internet of Things, Virtual Assistant, Voice Recognizer, Pyttsx3


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