Reservoir Axis Modeling along the Arghastan River by GIS

Authors : Abdul Wali Hejran; Ahmad Shad Dawari; Mohammad Sadiq Busty

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Most of the countries around the world are facing water scarcity, and many of the problems that are caused by bloodshed between countries, nations and people in the world due to water. Arghastan district is located in the southeast of Kandahar city. The Arghastan River, which originates in the northeast of Gardez city, passes through this district, so the river is called Arghastan River. Water flows in the river during winter and spring seasons, thus due to lack of environmental flow during the dry period leads to losing of various animals specifies lives. The main objective of the study is proper dam site location selection on Argha

Keywords : Dam Site, Reservoir Volume, Power Potential, Spillway


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