Resolving Radiation Interference Problems Due to Neighboring Installed Radiation Detection and Scanning Instruments

Authors : W. EL-Gammal, M. Darweesh and Z. Ahmed

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 5 - May

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Effective border security is critical to detect any illicit transport of nuclear and other radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control (MORC). At a State border different competent authority such as customs, police and other stakeholders have different mission areas and instruments operated under their own procedures. At such locations, different types of radiation detection equipment like Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) and X-ray scanning machines are used to detect nuclear and radioactive material and scan vehicles and containers. Sometimes, due to some environmental constraints, theses equipment may work closely, which may affect their performance. In this work, the Monte Carlo simulation method has been used to investigate the effectiveness of some suggested solutions to eliminate the effect of operation of an X-ray machine on the performance of an RPM device.

Keywords : Radiation Interference, Radiation Detection, Border Security, RPM, MCNP5.


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