- Human Resource Management is seemingly
supported by and given additional opportunities by the
event of Job Characteristics Model (JCM) that
successively is predicated on the conception of
contemporary job style. luckily, the event in the
fashionable data system, digital technologies, the universal
access of electronic technology and, the internet led to the
inclination of the worldwide Human Resource
Management development and create the system
additional applicable. Following the trend, the planned
system tries to style a system for e-recruitment which can
sanctuary new model of economical operation on Human
Resource Management within the web Age.
In this proposed system, we present a set of
techniques that creates the entire enlisting method more
practical and economical. This proposed system works on
the concept of cosine similarity. We have got enforced a
system that matches the candidate’s resume with the job
description and as a result, shows the share of similarity.
It displays the similarity results of the candidates to the
recruiter, which helps recruiter to evaluates the best
scored candidates.
Keywords : Machine-Learning, e-Recruitment, Python, Cosine Similarity, docx2txt, CountVertorizer, BoW