Retrospective Study on Prescribing Pattern of Antibiotics in Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Authors : Dr Ziauddin Mohammed; Rupa Aerram; P. Nikitha Chauhan; Rapolu Mounika; Mohammed Abbas

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Surgical site infection are infections that occur among surgical patients. Appropriate administration of surgical prophylaxis reduces the rate of surgical site infection by providing an adequate level of antimicrobial agents at the surgical site and tissue at the time of incision and during surgery. Objective: This study is to evaluate the prescribing pattern of antibiotics in surgical prophylaxis in tertiary care hospitals. Method: This study has been conducted in Tertiary Care Hospitals. During the six months, we collected data of around 100 surgical patients. Our research has included clean and clean-contaminated wound surgery cases of all age groups with multi-department, and dirty/infected surgical wound class has been excluded. Results: A total of 100 patients were in this study, out of which 35% were female and 65% male. In the department of general surgery, the most commonly used antimicrobial agents were inj. Cefoperazone sodium + sulbactam and Ceftriaxone (38%%) followed by inj. Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid (14%). The majority of the Cefoperazone sodium+ sulbactam were used in the Urology surgical cases i.e., 12% and ceftriaxone was used in the Neurological surgical cases i.e., 13% respectively. In surgeries, 92% patients were with the category of Clean wound class, 6% of patients were under the category of clean-contaminated wound class, 1% of patients were under the category of contaminated wound class. Conclusion: In this study, majority of the patients were on at least one antibiotic. The most commonly used class of antimicrobial were found to be cephalosporin (cefoperazone sodium+sulbactum and Ceftriazone) and Penicillin (Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid). Three adverse drug reactions were reported which were found to be mild in severity and recovered. Majority of the cases were under Orthopedics with antibiotics Cefoperazone sodium+ sulbactam (Cephalosporins). Overall, the study illustrates appropriate antibiotics were utilized as prophylactic in surgical cases depending upon the type of surgery from various specialtie


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