Revitalisasi Wayang in Developing the Moral Value of Elementary School Student

Authors : Lita Erdiana, Rosyidah Umami Octavia, Satrio Wibowo, Anggarlita Sandra Dewi, Shierly Novalita Yappi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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Wayang has an important role in the social communities’ lives. In the current millennium era wayang as a nation's cultural heritage are not in demand and are not even recognized by children in elementary school. They prefer other characters like Batman, Cinderella, and a series of other superheroes. The importance of wayang as the cultivation of cultural moral values needs to be revived in the midst of our lives. This Wayang revitalization is done by simplifying folklore without reducing its value, and developing Wayang as media for teaching to develop national cultural moral values in elementary school students. Previous research was conducted by Ni'mah (2016) that the younger generation of lemah ireng villages has a good response to wayang kulit.The research methods used in this study include the development model, development procedures, and validation tests of Dick and Carey (2001). Data collected through the development of wayang media is in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data was obtained from questionnaires to the subjects of the trial, in the form of responses and suggestions for improvements obtained from interviews, while quantitative data were obtained from questionnaires distributed to subjects of media experts, material experts, and learning experts through a series of field tests. As for knowing the effectiveness of the product in the revitalization of wayang to develop the moral culture of elementary school students using the Wilcoxon test. The Wilcoxon test results are known that revitalizing wayang can develop the moral culture of elementary school students.


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