Patient services in hospitals during the
current covid-19 pandemic require special handling
because it has caused a national and even global health
emergency. Management of data and information
related to the privacy of Covid patient data must also be
carried out properly because the patient data is
regulated by law. This study aims to find out how the
application of the right to privacy and confidentiality
of the disease to the medical data of hospital
patients during the Covid-19 pandemic according
to the Health Law and how the sanctions are given to
hospitals if they do not fulfill the confidentiality of the
patient's medical data as a form of legal protection for
patients . The results showed that to open the data
recorded in the patient's medical record, the patient's
consent had to be obtained . Potential protective laws
against patients according to Article 56 and 57 carried
out preventively to maximize the implementation of
inform consent and medical records to prevent
violations of the law. While repressive legal protection
is in accordance with Article 58, the health service
provider implements it in accordance with the applicable
legislation, namely through mediation and if it is proven
that medical action is not in accordance with Standard
Operating Procedures, compensation will be procured.
Keywords : Patient Rights, Patient Medical Records, Patient Legal Protection, Data Covid-19 Handling