Risk Assessment: A Mandatory Evaluation and Analysis of Periodontal Tissue in General Population- A Survey

Authors : Dr. Parimala Kumar, Dr. Faima Banu, Dr. Nidha Begum, Dr. Rahul Joseph

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2lP2nKx

 Aim To assess the risk for periodontitis patients and the diagrammatic form of the chart would be of help in patient awareness and motivation as it is easy to comprehend.  Methods and Materials The study was conducted in the Department Of Periodontics, A. J . institute of dental sciences, Mangalore from March 2017 to March 2018. Fifty patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis and gingivitis were selected randomly for the study. This study was based on the risk assessment model by R VISHWA CHANDRA published In 2007.  Result In this model 62% cases were in low risk category, 36% cases were under high risk category and 2 % cases were under medium risk category. Five subjects were smokers and five subjects were confirmed diabetics . Three subjects in the high risk category were under extreme stress and 1 subject each in low and medium had traumatic experience in last 7 years.  Conclusion This study has its importance in providing personalized periodontal therapy by taking into consideration each risk factor and modifying them to obtain periodontal health. The factors OHI-S, BOP and pocket depth were the main risk factors that categorize the patients into high risk group. The population also had fewer patients with other risk factor like stress, smoking habit and diabetes in the high risk category. The diagrammatic form of the chart would be of help in patient awareness and motivation as it is easy to comprehend.

Keywords : Periodontitis; Risk Assessment; Risk Factors; Risk Assessment Model.


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