This paper makes an attempt to explain the
procedure as well as estimate the VaR of a selected
portfolio of the Nifty Sectoral Indices using approaches
such as GJR GARCH-EVT-Copula, Filtered Historical
Simulation, Generalised Extreme Value Theory and t
Copula. The GJR GARCH-EVT-t Copula model
extracts the filtered residuals obtained using the GJR
GARCH technique and by using the Gaussian Kernel
method for interior of the distribution and Extreme
Value Theory for upper and lower tails to estimate the
cumulative distribution of the residuals. A comparison
is made between the estimated VaR simulation by the
Monte-Carlo method, the aforementioned method and
by using t Copula to get the joint distribution of each
sectorial indices. The normalised maxima of the
sequence is measured by the GEV distribution. An
alternative to the Monte Carlo simulation and the
Historical simulation is the FHS technique. The mean
equation is modelled using the ARMA model while the
volatility is modelled using GARCH with a non-
parametric specification of the probability distribution
of asset returns. The VaR estimates of the equally
weighted portfolio of NIFTY Sectoral indices of 95%
and 99% confidence intervals are backtested over a
2478-day estimation window.
Keywords : Value at Risk, NIFTY Sectorial Indices.