Road Lane Detection and Tracking

Authors : Aleena Varghese, Anju P, Elizabeth Thomas, Ashly Roy, Willson Joseph.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

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For humanity mobility is an important economic social factor. Since it provides the quality of life for the individuals and basically it is one of the backbone for the commercial trading and services. Here, we describe a method by which the lanes in the road is being tracked, for the driver less car, including with the features of detection of traffic light and the recognition of the pedestrian. In order to provide the above features we adopt the techniques of image processing and machine learning in artificial intelligence. The image is captured and processed from the real world scenarios. Among the features taken from the captured images, we can calculate and extract the required information for a driver less car to move in a road by recognizing the pedestrians, traffic light and also by keeping the lane and directions. This strategy will show good accuracy levels and can be implemented in our vehicle system, since we the world is now moving to the advanced driver assistance systems.


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