Role of School Library for Effective Teaching and Learning among Primary School Teachers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Kaduna State


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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The study investigated the Role of School Library for Effective teaching and learning among Primary School Teachers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Kaduna State. Two Objectives guided the research work which includes; to identify the roles of school library for effective teaching and learning in Sabon Gari Local Government. To identify the challenges of school library for effective teaching and learning in Sabon Gari Local Government. Survey research design was adopted for this study. The population comprises teachers in three (3) Primary Schools of Sabon Gari Local Government Areas, which include; Saidu Model Primary School, Amina Primary School and Kallon Kura Primary School. A total number of 99 primary school teachers were drawn from three schools as sample size. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. Frequency counts and percentages were used to analyze the data collected. The study found out that the major role of school library for effective teaching and learning are Enhancement of information literacy skills, Increase reading skills, support pupil achievement, helps students to meet core curriculum content standards, Impact on positive attitudes towards learning, and to enhance school setting. The study find out that Inadequate Staffing, Unqualified library personnel, Inadequate funding, Physical facilities, Poor quality of school library resources, Inadequate current reading materials, Poor library orientation, Lack of national policy for school library, Restrictions on numbers of books, Lack of computers and internet connectivity, Location of school library, Lack of adequate materials, Insufficient awareness, and Absence of library and information services were the commonest challenges facing school library in primary school in Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Kaduna State. The study concluded that the role of school library is very crucial to learning as it provides the rudiments to learning; gives information that can change people’s lives to a better one, encourages students to study, learn and achieve better results as well as provides confidence to look for information on their own at different levels. School library provides the atmosphere for self-education and self-development of individual students and public in general. Therefore, there is needs for government, NonGovernmental Organizations, and private Individuals to spend more on the provision of school library resources for effective teaching and learning in our primary schools. The researcher recommended that there should be provision for additional library services to make the children have more interest in using the library e.g. educational film shows, storytelling, reading competition etc. Professional librarians and other assisting staff should be employed and also there should be adequate allocation of resources to school library for effective and efficient services and overall smooth running of the library.

Keywords : Effective Teaching, Learning, Library Resources, Primary School, School Library.


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