This paper investigates the use of bicycles and their possible effects on promotion of non-farm production activities focusing on employment diversification in Laikipia County, Kenya. A questionnaire survey was used to interview 384 respondents from the area of study. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Data was randomly selected from the individuals from a complete list of the population. Stratified samples from the population were used for primary data collection. The population was further divided into strata with similar characteristic and participants were selected within the strata. The strata in this case were 15 administrative wards within which proportionate sampling were carried out. The paper is based on the premise that, there is no significant difference between bicycle use and non-farm activities engagement in Laikipia County. The study found out that key nonfarm activities which were developed due to bicycle ridership generated productive engagement.
Keywords : Bicycle Lane, Non-Farm Employment, Non Motorized Transport, Intermediate Means of Transport, Mobility, Mobility Indicator.