Doubly Fed Induction machines (DFIM) are
very widely used to control the power flow in the power
system. DFIM operating in generating mode is used to
penetrate the active power into the power system. DFIG is
driven by wind turbine that rotates at wind speed which is
dynamic in nature. So a proper fast and accurate acting
controller is required to operate the generator at the
desired conditions. A new PI- Fuzzy logic controller is used
to meet the desired specifications with least possible
over/under shoots, settling time and steady state error. PIfuzzy controller modulatespulse width given to rotor side
converter of DFIG. The performance of the proposed
controller is compared individually with both PI and
Fuzzy logic controllers. The advantages of the proposed
controller are described. The proposed PI-fuzzy based
controlled and wind turbine driven DFIG can be used as a
good decentralized and distributed generator which is
useful as part of green and environmental friendly energy
Keywords : Doubly fed Induction Generator (DFIG), PIFuzzy controller, Rotor Side Converter (RSC)